
Help is on its way.

I am originally from Maine but now I currently live in Dallas Texas. Weather's coolin' off down in these parts. Good.
I am married to a lovely woman named Jamie. She does well taking care of me and my son Milo. Milo was recently diagnosed with Cerebal Palsy. It is an awful disorder of the brain... He is a certified bad-ass though is one hell of a fighter. He's almost a year old and has gone through a lot of shit. I am still a little bitter about the hand my son has been dealt. Maybe someday he will tell me that he isn't, then I think I can move on. Until then, the universe, with its infinite reasons of 'why bad things happen' can go to hell. See? Bitter.

I suffer a mental condition known as Bi-polar Disorder. I hate its fucking guts.
Sorry. I sound like a bit of a downer.

Like I said my wife does well taking care of us.


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